Sunday, July 30, 2006


Reflections on My Baptism

I'm sure most of you are well aware that this Saturday Cameron, who turned eight on the fifth of July, will be baptized. The ceremony, which comes some twenty five years after my own, has caused me to reflect on my baptism.

I was baptized at the then brand new Tuscola Building in Apple Valley. During a prior visit to the building while it was under construction a year before, I remember my mother telling me that I would one day be baptized there.

In what can only be attributed to incredible planning on the part of my parents, my eighth birthday fell on a Saturday, and so I was able to be baptized the same day I turned eight. As far as I know, this was the only baptism in our family attended by both Bascom and Casady grandparents.

My childhood journal (infamous for successive entries like "tomorrow I start High School," followed by "High School was great") recorded some of the day's events. After obligatory attendance at the "Awful Waffle" I had a birthday party at 2:30. Of course I memorialized every gift that I received including a litany of Cub Scout paraphenilia.

As it came time for the actual baptism, I remember following my Dad into the font. Seeing all the attention was on me, I turned, waved to the gallery and said loudly "Hi Mom!"

Program notes, dropped into my journal by Mom record that George Braden conducted the service, Uncle Tom said the opening prayer, Grandpas Casady and Bascom gave talks, cousins Shawn and Aaron sang "I Am a Child of God," and Earl Wilkerson gave the closing prayer.

Of my confirmation the next day I wrote "At Sacrament Meeting I got confirmed [by] Daddy. Uncle Tom Grandpa Casady and Grandpa Bascom helped." Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this was one of if not the only confirmation Grandpa Casady was able to attend (at least in our family).

I'm sure my parents could not imagine a time when I would have children of my own. Nor could they imagine a day when they would see me baptize my own child.

I suspect the feeling is close to what our Heavenly Father feels as we progress through life. Just as Him who created us, perhaps our work, our glory and indeed our joy, will be to witness the immortality and eternal life of our families come to pass.

And this Saturday, just like they did at my service, I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma Casady will be there with us, sharing our joy, and witnessing the work of the Lord go forth.

If any of you would like to share personal reflections on your own baptismal experience, use the "comments" to post your thoughts!

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