Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Catherine Thrust into Leadership Role!

Once again, here is Catherine's Monday Communique:

Querida fAmilia,

Well hearing of your heat wave, makes me realize why it has been so terrribley cold here lately! Yesterday was the coldest day of the year. I wore four shirts,tights, socks, a scarf, my kean argentine "bomber jacket" and my beanie that says "argentina" on the forehead. I keep thinking such a beanie, will fool the natives but they still all think Im from Germany.

Would you believe Im training a new missionary! Her name is Hermana Sequeira, from Uruguay,Castillo. She got here Thursday from the MTC in buenos Aires. It has been a real experience working here in San Luis and now, it is even more exciting. She is from what she told me, "smaller than a farm" in the campo of Uruguay. We realized that she is from one ocean and Im from the other! We are learning a lot and praying muchisimo. We walk fast even though the cold makes our cheeks icey.

Yesterday, the famila Diaz came to church with us! He is a trombone player, and he and his wife have two daughters. The youngest is called "azul priscilla." I was honored to take them to church, as it has been some time since this ward has seen investigators in the meetings. We are praying this family will continue to progress and that the ward will receive them.

Im doing good, I appreciate your prayers. Im in denial sometimes about how much time I have left. I just try to take it day by day and maybe even week by week. The spirit is so real and the church really is true. I hope that the baptism goes well. Last week we saw, Monica,whom is ten, be baptized and it was great. The gospel makes us better and even helps us understand who we are;)

much love,

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