Sunday, July 30, 2006
Reflections on My Baptism
I'm sure most of you are well aware that this Saturday Cameron, who turned eight on the fifth of July, will be baptized. The ceremony, which comes some twenty five years after my own, has caused me to reflect on my baptism.
I was baptized at the then brand new Tuscola Building in Apple Valley. During a prior visit to the building while it was under construction a year before, I remember my mother telling me that I would one day be baptized there.
In what can only be attributed to incredible planning on the part of my parents, my eighth birthday fell on a Saturday, and so I was able to be baptized the same day I turned eight. As far as I know, this was the only baptism in our family attended by both Bascom and Casady grandparents.
My childhood journal (infamous for successive entries like "tomorrow I start High School," followed by "High School was great") recorded some of the day's events. After obligatory attendance at the "Awful Waffle" I had a birthday party at 2:30. Of course I memorialized every gift that I received including a litany of Cub Scout paraphenilia.
As it came time for the actual baptism, I remember following my Dad into the font. Seeing all the attention was on me, I turned, waved to the gallery and said loudly "Hi Mom!"
Program notes, dropped into my journal by Mom record that George Braden conducted the service, Uncle Tom said the opening prayer, Grandpas Casady and Bascom gave talks, cousins Shawn and Aaron sang "I Am a Child of God," and Earl Wilkerson gave the closing prayer.
Of my confirmation the next day I wrote "At Sacrament Meeting I got confirmed [by] Daddy. Uncle Tom Grandpa Casady and Grandpa Bascom helped." Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this was one of if not the only confirmation Grandpa Casady was able to attend (at least in our family).
I'm sure my parents could not imagine a time when I would have children of my own. Nor could they imagine a day when they would see me baptize my own child.
I suspect the feeling is close to what our Heavenly Father feels as we progress through life. Just as Him who created us, perhaps our work, our glory and indeed our joy, will be to witness the immortality and eternal life of our families come to pass.
And this Saturday, just like they did at my service, I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma Casady will be there with us, sharing our joy, and witnessing the work of the Lord go forth.
If any of you would like to share personal reflections on your own baptismal experience, use the "comments" to post your thoughts!
I was baptized at the then brand new Tuscola Building in Apple Valley. During a prior visit to the building while it was under construction a year before, I remember my mother telling me that I would one day be baptized there.
In what can only be attributed to incredible planning on the part of my parents, my eighth birthday fell on a Saturday, and so I was able to be baptized the same day I turned eight. As far as I know, this was the only baptism in our family attended by both Bascom and Casady grandparents.
My childhood journal (infamous for successive entries like "tomorrow I start High School," followed by "High School was great") recorded some of the day's events. After obligatory attendance at the "Awful Waffle" I had a birthday party at 2:30. Of course I memorialized every gift that I received including a litany of Cub Scout paraphenilia.
As it came time for the actual baptism, I remember following my Dad into the font. Seeing all the attention was on me, I turned, waved to the gallery and said loudly "Hi Mom!"
Program notes, dropped into my journal by Mom record that George Braden conducted the service, Uncle Tom said the opening prayer, Grandpas Casady and Bascom gave talks, cousins Shawn and Aaron sang "I Am a Child of God," and Earl Wilkerson gave the closing prayer.
Of my confirmation the next day I wrote "At Sacrament Meeting I got confirmed [by] Daddy. Uncle Tom Grandpa Casady and Grandpa Bascom helped." Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this was one of if not the only confirmation Grandpa Casady was able to attend (at least in our family).
I'm sure my parents could not imagine a time when I would have children of my own. Nor could they imagine a day when they would see me baptize my own child.
I suspect the feeling is close to what our Heavenly Father feels as we progress through life. Just as Him who created us, perhaps our work, our glory and indeed our joy, will be to witness the immortality and eternal life of our families come to pass.
And this Saturday, just like they did at my service, I'm sure Grandpa and Grandma Casady will be there with us, sharing our joy, and witnessing the work of the Lord go forth.
If any of you would like to share personal reflections on your own baptismal experience, use the "comments" to post your thoughts!
Catherine Wounded in Barbaric Attack
Once again, here is Catherine's latest from 7/24/06:
Bueno, I thought I was sick of talking about the crazy dogs of San Louis and maybe I was. But then as we went to knock a house the other day, my annoyance was turned to fear and a bit of rage in a quick moment. We approached the two houses, appropriately protected by tall bars and gate. Behind it, two "k-9" attack dogs barked and barked as if we were coming to take them away. The woman, came to the front, calmed the dogs enough to tell us she had never heard of the familia Diaz that we were looking for. We turned from the noise of the two dogs and walked past the other house that had five dogs in front, with two outside of the gate. I thought, "oh I should´ve asked her if we can teach her." As I turned to see if she was still there, three of the neighboring dogs, went more crazy, thinking I was looking at them. One charged me and barked at my ankles. The words, of my trainer came to my mind, "Just keep walking and don´t swing your scripture case at them." How shocked was I when he bit me! I screamed and ran to my companion whom had already left the barking ludicrous. "he bit me! he bit me!" I yelled. We examined the damage but were happy to see, that though he had bit and ripped through my skirt and favorite Lane Bryant tights,there was no blood. I yelled in my frustration and laughter, "Satanas, you may have kept me from talking to that woman, but you wont´keep me from talking to everyone I see on the walk home!" And we did.End result, I suffered an ugly bruise no más. But, sorry mom, your tights that yes, have lasted the MTC and more than a year in the mission without running, finally were ripped:(
Attended my first real Consejo del bArrio or WArd Council Meeting. It was even more fun in Spanish! When I got a little bored,and even a little lost, I just started imagining what everyone else was thinking. Hermano Arenas,recently reactivated and newly called Elders Qourum counselor, "Gee, I hope we still have some Milanesa left over." Hermano Alvarez, Elder´s Qourum presidente,"Did I turn the burner off?" Hermana Hernandez, Young Women´s presidenta, "Pucha, Im the only sister who came in pants!" And then all the while, dear Obispo Valazquez is talking and talking, ""We just gotta get organized! Thats the key-Will somebody PLEASE tell me whats going ON here! Will somebody just PLEASE give me one bit of inFormation!" I finally just raised my hand and said, " we have a baptism next week after the stake primary activity. Can you all come?" We received references and then left when the relief Society started negotiating for two saturdays on the ward calender. It was great.
Thank you for your faith in your prayers! Everyone has told me that this is the hottest Winter they´ve ever seen. It is absolutely unheard of. Sure we have really cold days, and even as I write this letter, I have pants under my skirt and wear three shirts. But for every cold miserabley cold day, there are two or three days of lovely sun. When they tell me about how hot it is, I just smile, because I know it is due to your prayers. We have transfers tomorrow, and we are expecting real changes. Elder Molina, whom will go home with me, reminded me that this is our third to last transfer. Incredable. Im trying hard, and am really a lot more healthy. My clothes are even starting to fit again.I love you all.Cath
Bueno, I thought I was sick of talking about the crazy dogs of San Louis and maybe I was. But then as we went to knock a house the other day, my annoyance was turned to fear and a bit of rage in a quick moment. We approached the two houses, appropriately protected by tall bars and gate. Behind it, two "k-9" attack dogs barked and barked as if we were coming to take them away. The woman, came to the front, calmed the dogs enough to tell us she had never heard of the familia Diaz that we were looking for. We turned from the noise of the two dogs and walked past the other house that had five dogs in front, with two outside of the gate. I thought, "oh I should´ve asked her if we can teach her." As I turned to see if she was still there, three of the neighboring dogs, went more crazy, thinking I was looking at them. One charged me and barked at my ankles. The words, of my trainer came to my mind, "Just keep walking and don´t swing your scripture case at them." How shocked was I when he bit me! I screamed and ran to my companion whom had already left the barking ludicrous. "he bit me! he bit me!" I yelled. We examined the damage but were happy to see, that though he had bit and ripped through my skirt and favorite Lane Bryant tights,there was no blood. I yelled in my frustration and laughter, "Satanas, you may have kept me from talking to that woman, but you wont´keep me from talking to everyone I see on the walk home!" And we did.End result, I suffered an ugly bruise no más. But, sorry mom, your tights that yes, have lasted the MTC and more than a year in the mission without running, finally were ripped:(
Attended my first real Consejo del bArrio or WArd Council Meeting. It was even more fun in Spanish! When I got a little bored,and even a little lost, I just started imagining what everyone else was thinking. Hermano Arenas,recently reactivated and newly called Elders Qourum counselor, "Gee, I hope we still have some Milanesa left over." Hermano Alvarez, Elder´s Qourum presidente,"Did I turn the burner off?" Hermana Hernandez, Young Women´s presidenta, "Pucha, Im the only sister who came in pants!" And then all the while, dear Obispo Valazquez is talking and talking, ""We just gotta get organized! Thats the key-Will somebody PLEASE tell me whats going ON here! Will somebody just PLEASE give me one bit of inFormation!" I finally just raised my hand and said, " we have a baptism next week after the stake primary activity. Can you all come?" We received references and then left when the relief Society started negotiating for two saturdays on the ward calender. It was great.
Thank you for your faith in your prayers! Everyone has told me that this is the hottest Winter they´ve ever seen. It is absolutely unheard of. Sure we have really cold days, and even as I write this letter, I have pants under my skirt and wear three shirts. But for every cold miserabley cold day, there are two or three days of lovely sun. When they tell me about how hot it is, I just smile, because I know it is due to your prayers. We have transfers tomorrow, and we are expecting real changes. Elder Molina, whom will go home with me, reminded me that this is our third to last transfer. Incredable. Im trying hard, and am really a lot more healthy. My clothes are even starting to fit again.I love you all.Cath
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Eyeball Dog
We have all read about Catherine's letters about crazy dogs, below is a photo she sent us last week of one such dog. By the way, I believe he is available for adoption...

Saturday, July 15, 2006
In memoriam... Bonnie Jenell Wall

For those of you unable to attend, this was the program for today's service for Aunt Bonnie. The service was a celebration of her life of faithful service and charity.
Bonnie is survived of course by her husband Bob, five children and twenty-two grandchildren.
If you have not been able to do so, and would like to pay your respects, Uncle Bob can be reached at 626-814-3058.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Feel Tired? Check out Yawnzy
Matt has created another movie destined for future "cult" status. Check it out here.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Catherine's Monday Missive: "Lobo"
Querida Familia,
Today we took our laundry to be washed at the casa of Hermana Zabala. She lives about three miles from our house. We took a cab and I thought it would be fun to count every dog that I saw on the way. Would you believe... thirty five! Thirty five, un-nudured, mangiy stray dogs. Well bueno, some were staring out the windows of houses. But thirty five, sniffing, licking, running and playing! All looking for a home. A bite to eat. A sister Missionary to bark at...
Tonight we are having a noche de hogar or family home evening with the ward. Were going to play efy games and wear jeans! Were ready and I think the people will actually come! We´re exited and are hoping the members will bring lots of friends that need to be baptized.The couselor in the bishopric, Hermano Cansela, announced yesterday in RS and Priesthood that the ward has three goals to effect the Obra Misional or MIssionary work here in San Luis. They are goals that come from the Stake Presidency. They include for each family, 1-inviting a friend to sacrament meeting, 2-setting aside one hour a week to leave with the missionaries, and 3-to have a Family Home Evening with a less active famliy or recent convert.
Isnt that wonderful! I just smiled, because I know that we are being part of a great change here in San Luis. Mendoza stake, didnt think like this. Its a bigger city and there are a lot of stalwert members, but things move different. We are very excited and happy for this change. I extend the same goals to you all! Why not, jump on the Train San Louis! Hermano Cansela promised the ward many blessings and I send them to you all as well.
Well loved the pictures of Fourth of July. Admittedly, don´t know some of the toddlers. Im assuming they are from our family because they made it on the Casady virtual Shrine. And was that shirtless Dan or Ryan sleeping? Mysteries...
We are orking "a fool" and it feels good. I realize more every day how much I love you all, love Heavenly Father and the saints here in Argentina. It is just like the John Lennon Song,"Love is feeling...feeling love...Love is knowing...knowing love!"Well, maybe being a missionary has nothing to do with John Lennon or Yoko, but I think he had some truth in his words. Like the prayers of the Catholics...
con cariño,cath
"If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness." Pte. Boyd K. Packer (see the Ensign May 2006, paje 74)
Today we took our laundry to be washed at the casa of Hermana Zabala. She lives about three miles from our house. We took a cab and I thought it would be fun to count every dog that I saw on the way. Would you believe... thirty five! Thirty five, un-nudured, mangiy stray dogs. Well bueno, some were staring out the windows of houses. But thirty five, sniffing, licking, running and playing! All looking for a home. A bite to eat. A sister Missionary to bark at...
Tonight we are having a noche de hogar or family home evening with the ward. Were going to play efy games and wear jeans! Were ready and I think the people will actually come! We´re exited and are hoping the members will bring lots of friends that need to be baptized.The couselor in the bishopric, Hermano Cansela, announced yesterday in RS and Priesthood that the ward has three goals to effect the Obra Misional or MIssionary work here in San Luis. They are goals that come from the Stake Presidency. They include for each family, 1-inviting a friend to sacrament meeting, 2-setting aside one hour a week to leave with the missionaries, and 3-to have a Family Home Evening with a less active famliy or recent convert.
Isnt that wonderful! I just smiled, because I know that we are being part of a great change here in San Luis. Mendoza stake, didnt think like this. Its a bigger city and there are a lot of stalwert members, but things move different. We are very excited and happy for this change. I extend the same goals to you all! Why not, jump on the Train San Louis! Hermano Cansela promised the ward many blessings and I send them to you all as well.
Well loved the pictures of Fourth of July. Admittedly, don´t know some of the toddlers. Im assuming they are from our family because they made it on the Casady virtual Shrine. And was that shirtless Dan or Ryan sleeping? Mysteries...
We are orking "a fool" and it feels good. I realize more every day how much I love you all, love Heavenly Father and the saints here in Argentina. It is just like the John Lennon Song,"Love is feeling...feeling love...Love is knowing...knowing love!"Well, maybe being a missionary has nothing to do with John Lennon or Yoko, but I think he had some truth in his words. Like the prayers of the Catholics...
con cariño,cath
"If you understand the great plan of happiness and follow it, what goes on in the world will not determine your happiness." Pte. Boyd K. Packer (see the Ensign May 2006, paje 74)
Friday, July 07, 2006
Don't Think Marriage is Under Attack? Read This!
This article comes from a liberal newsmagazine and was sent to me by a friend. It's a little long but it's worth a read as the details may surprise you. Basically, it outlines a 15 year plan the gay community has to alter marriage as we know it.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Fourth of July Highlights!
JULY 4th - Spencer, Chloe and Winston
FOURTH OF JULY - Casady Men, Doing What We Do Best!
Monday, July 03, 2006
Montezuma's Revenge Strikes Princess!
Below is the latest from Catherine free from arrows!
Dear Family
I´ve been quite sick the last few days. My companion also. Thursday afternoon the sandwiches the family Arenas had given us hit my system first (gracias a fast metabolism). Within twenty-four hours my companoin as well. We were confined to our beds and the bathroom. It was fun in some weird ways, well we know each other now. And how much of the book of mormon I read. But for the most part, just picture that part on Other Side of Heaven when the Elder is passed out on the beach and the relief boat comes. Well thats how I felt until our District leader, (Eler Molina from Chile whom looks like Prince) came to our house with Vegtables and potatos. I won´t tell you how much I didnt´eat or details but know that your prayers carried me through. My companion and I made it through and the ward took care of us. We are looking forward to working "a todo chancho" this week.
Conscerning the mundial or World Cup, don´t worry, I have bought a gorro (beanie) that says Argentina on the forehead, to look more latina. When Argentina didn´t win, we couldn´t leave because the fireworks and screams were first of joy and then of absolute despair. Everyone already thinks that Im from Allemania so the District leader thought it would be best if we waited out the despair in the air and wait to proselyte. We all know it was the grace of our Heavenly Father that Argentina didnt´win because we were really slowed everytime there was a game. So, I say "vamos Argentina," but in my heart, "gracias Germany."
I think this is the third fourth of July I have spent away from home. Last year was in Provo, we watched fireworks over BYU. And two years ago I was
in a London singles Ward. They called us Yankees there as well as here. Next year, I say BBQ or bust in the heat of Southern California! Yeah.
Bueno, my creativity is spent. I´ll write something inspirtational next week. My letters should arrive within a few days. Thank you for your prayers. This next chapter in my mission is admitedly a challenge. Life is a challenge. But Im seeking the love our Savior and feeling the Spirit when I serve others. If the mission is a 4x4, I feel I just received the baton and am seeking the final stretch. Okay, now the peptno bismo iswriting. HOpe you have a good week
Dear Family
I´ve been quite sick the last few days. My companion also. Thursday afternoon the sandwiches the family Arenas had given us hit my system first (gracias a fast metabolism). Within twenty-four hours my companoin as well. We were confined to our beds and the bathroom. It was fun in some weird ways, well we know each other now. And how much of the book of mormon I read. But for the most part, just picture that part on Other Side of Heaven when the Elder is passed out on the beach and the relief boat comes. Well thats how I felt until our District leader, (Eler Molina from Chile whom looks like Prince) came to our house with Vegtables and potatos. I won´t tell you how much I didnt´eat or details but know that your prayers carried me through. My companion and I made it through and the ward took care of us. We are looking forward to working "a todo chancho" this week.
Conscerning the mundial or World Cup, don´t worry, I have bought a gorro (beanie) that says Argentina on the forehead, to look more latina. When Argentina didn´t win, we couldn´t leave because the fireworks and screams were first of joy and then of absolute despair. Everyone already thinks that Im from Allemania so the District leader thought it would be best if we waited out the despair in the air and wait to proselyte. We all know it was the grace of our Heavenly Father that Argentina didnt´win because we were really slowed everytime there was a game. So, I say "vamos Argentina," but in my heart, "gracias Germany."
I think this is the third fourth of July I have spent away from home. Last year was in Provo, we watched fireworks over BYU. And two years ago I was
in a London singles Ward. They called us Yankees there as well as here. Next year, I say BBQ or bust in the heat of Southern California! Yeah.
Bueno, my creativity is spent. I´ll write something inspirtational next week. My letters should arrive within a few days. Thank you for your prayers. This next chapter in my mission is admitedly a challenge. Life is a challenge. But Im seeking the love our Savior and feeling the Spirit when I serve others. If the mission is a 4x4, I feel I just received the baton and am seeking the final stretch. Okay, now the peptno bismo iswriting. HOpe you have a good week
Catherine Confirms Map Accuracy!
Catherine has personally confirmed the map recently posted is her area, and it shows her home! Below is an excerpt:
Okay we figured out how to tell your where we live so you can be a bit more stalkerish. ON the east part of town, from the foto you sent us. From the circle that looks like a nucleus, is a field, near us. All the roads coming out in every direction. our road is the only one that goes directly straght and directly east. Follow it until the end and your home! We live right by the mountain.
Have a good week!cath
Okay we figured out how to tell your where we live so you can be a bit more stalkerish. ON the east part of town, from the foto you sent us. From the circle that looks like a nucleus, is a field, near us. All the roads coming out in every direction. our road is the only one that goes directly straght and directly east. Follow it until the end and your home! We live right by the mountain.
Have a good week!cath